Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Workout of the Day

Hey Gireviks! Here is your workout of the day....be sure to check out our NEW Website at http://www.fitnessxt.com/ for more HOT Kettlebell News!

4550 Plainfield Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49525
213 N. Michigan Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307

Upper Body Focus Workout
You’ll need 3 different size Kettlebells (the heaviest being the top of your
snatch capability for 30 seconds, (2) of the medium size bells, a medium sandbag
and a Swiss Ball.

Warm up:
Perform 30 seconds L/R of the Snatch starting with your lightest bell.
With no rest, immediately perform the same with your medium bell, then heaviest bell, then back down to medium and light bell.
This will be a total of 5 minutes of non-stop warm up. Enjoy!

Work Out:
Seated Swiss Ball EDT (Escalated Density Training): Choose 1 bell and Perform a Seated Clean & Press (re-clean each time) switching hands every 1-4 reps for a duration of 5 minutes.
Rules: You cannot switch bells in the middle of the exercise, but you can set it down and rest as much as needed. Count your reps and the next time you perform this same drill you can strive to either increase the number of reps of the weight used. This is a great way to measure improvements in performance.
Double Medium bell Lying Floor Chest Press x 5 reps, superset with 5 V inverted handstand pushups…. X 5 sets total.
Partial TGU (Escalated Density Training): Choose 1 bell and Perform a Partial Turkish Get Up (adding 1 strict press at the top of the seated position) switching hands every 1-4 reps for a duration of 5 minutes. See rules above.
Medium bell Lunge Row x 5 reps L/R, superset with 5 V inverted handstand pushups…. X 5 sets total.
Medium Sandbag Strict upright Row Row x 5 reps, superset with 5 Sandbag presses and 5 Sandbag Bent over Rows…. X 5 sets total. This one is brutal!! =)
Rest as needed
Medium bell 1 legged (same leg as bell) military shoulder press x 5 reps L/R, superset with 5 Medium bell 1 legged (opposite leg as bell) military shoulder press x 5 reps L/R. Then repeat for 4,3,2,1 reps.

Building Pecs and Wings of Steel!

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