Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5/25/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport

Lower Focus Workout

You will need a moderate kbell and a sandbag.


10 Squats with your light kbell
Then 10 Jump Squats with your light kbell
Alternate back and forth for 2-3 minutes


The game is...

1 minute rounds of each of the following exercises first with your kbell and then with your sandbag taking 30 seconds of rest in between each round and 1 minute of rest at the end of each set....

Front Squats

Good Mornings

Off the Deck Cleans

Alternating Forward Lunges

Hardstyle Swings

Wash, Rinse, and Repeat x 2-3 rounds =)


3 minutes of squats with your sandbag any way you can get there = OUCH!

Monday, May 24, 2010

5/24/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Mixed Focus

You will need a light, moderate, heavy, and ultra heavy bell =)


10 Squats with light kbell
10 Jump Squats with light kbell
Alternate back and forth between the two until you start to whine... smile

1 minute of swings with light kbell
50 seconds with medium bell
40 seconds with heayv bell
30 seconds with ultra heavy bell


10 Hardstyle Swings with heavy bell
1 minute of explosive Upright Rows

10 Hardstyle Swings with heavy bell
1 minute of front squats (30 seconds R/L)

10 Hardstyle Swings with heavy bell
1 minute of Off the Deck Cleans (30 seconds R/L)

10 Hardstyle Swings with heavy bell
1 minute of back squats (kbell on back)

10 Hardstyle Swings with heavy bell
1 minute of Off the Deck Snatches (30 seconds R/L)

Next... repeat the same progression but replace the hardstyle swings with sumo squats with you ultra heavy bell.


3 minute Snatch Sprint... unlimited hand switch
How many snatches can you do in 3 minutes?

Friday, May 21, 2010

5/21/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Core Focus

You will need a light, moderate, and heavy bell.


Starting with your light bell...
Off the Deck Get Ups x10
Upright Rows x10

Then repeat with your moderate bell...

And again with your heavy bell...smile


1 minute rounds of each of the following...
Figure 8 to hold
Cross Over Cleans
Alternating Swings
Turkish Get Up Right
Turkish Get Up Left

45 second rounds of each of the following...
Figure 8 to hold
Cross Over Cleans
Alternating Swings
Get Up Sit Ups Right
Get Ups Sit Ups Left

30 second rounds of each of the following...
Figure 8 to hold
Cross Over Cleans
Alternating Swings
Windmill Right
Windmill Left


Plank Around the World...
30 seconds front
30 seconds right
30 seconds left
30 seconds reverse
Hold front plank position forever...or until pain =D

Monday, May 10, 2010

5/10/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Lower Focus Workout

You will need a light, medium, and moderate bell.


Joint Mobility/Stretch
30 seconds each of the following...
Jog in Place
High Knees
Butt Kicks
High Jumps
Jog in Place


GS Lazy Swings...
Go up on your toes and pull back with your shoulder at the top

3 minutes with your light bell
2 minutes with your moderate bell
1 minute with your heavy bell

Split Squats with Explosive Press...
Start with your left side, clean bell with lwft arm, lunge position with left leg forward
Squat and use the momentum of your legs to press the bell at the top of your squat
1 minute left side...
Rest and repeat on right side

Moderate Double Bell Front Squats with Lunge...
Squat then immediately step back into a lunge alternating legs every squat
1 minute
Rest and Repeat but instead of stepping back, go into a forward lunge

GS Lazy Swings Again...
3 minute heavy bell
2 minutes moderate bell
1 minute light bell


Overhead Farmers Walk with moderate bell...
Press bell overhead and walk around the room for 1 minute
Repeat on the opposite side
Switch back and and forth for 1 minute sets until you feel tortured =)

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/7/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Total Body Workout

You will need double light or moderate bells.


Standing Mountain Climbers for 15 seconds
then Mountain Climbers on the floor for 15 seconds
Repeat for 20, 25, and second sets.


Find a workout buddy and do you go, I go FUN! or just have fun by yourself =)

10 reps of each exercise...
One person will rest while the other completes it
OR for an extra challenge, hold on to the bells for the entire 3 sets resting in the rack position = awesome!

Double Cleans
Double Front Squats
Double Presses
Double Squat Thrusters
Double Swings


Mountain Climbers (on the ground or bell handles) down the ladder...
30,25,20,15 seconds
With corresponding # of bodyweight or jump squats =)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/5/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Total Body Workout

You will need a light, double moderate bells, and a heavy bell.


Go through the following with no rest...
Two Hand Swings for 1 minute
One Hand Swings 1 minute L/R
Alternating Swings L/R for 1 minute

Rest and repeat!


Double Front Squats 10 reps x5 sets
In between do sets of hands behind head squats x20

Double Swings 5x5
In between do sets of sumo squats with your heavy bell x20

Suitcase (double bell) Split Squats 10 reps x5 sets
In between do sets of hands behind head squats x20

Double Cleans 10 reps x5 sets
In between do sets of sumo squats with your heavy bell x20

Double Windmills 5 reps L/R x5 sets
In between do sets of hands behind head squats x20


Double Front Squats x30 seconds
Double Swings x30 seconds
Double Cleans x30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds and repeat =)

Happy Workout!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5/4/2010 Workout of the Day

Liberty Mixed Kettlebell Sport
Lower Focus Workout

You will need a light, moderate, and heavy kettlebell.


Around the World Lunges
R/L for 3 cycles


Start with the light bell...
10 reps around the body pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Step Back Lunge with under the leg pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Snatch on each side.

Hardstyle Swings with heaviest bell for 1 minute.

Repeat with moderate bell...
10 reps around the body pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Step Back Lunge with under the leg pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Snatch on each side.

Hardstyle Swings with moderate bell for 1 minute.

Then heavy bell...
10 reps around the body pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Step Back Lunge with under the leg pass each direction.
Then immediately 10 reps Snatch on each side.

Hardstyle Swings with light bell for 1 minute.


Jump Squats x5
Weighted Jump Squats x5
Repeat, unweighted then weighed for sets of 5 until pain =)